Sunday, February 14, 2010

Disrupting Class: Chapter 1

Three things I learned or connected with:
  1. I knew about Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, but I didn't know about his view of intelligence: the ability to solve real world problems, the ability to think of new problems to solve, and the ability to make something or offer a service that is valued in one's culture.
  2. I completely agree with the statement that teachers will teach to students who are already good at the subject. I know that this is true because I have been at the receiving end with good and bad experiences.
  3. I believe that computer programs like ALEKS do a great job differentiating. Last semester, I implemented this internet-based program with my students at High Tech High.
Two things I disagree with or questions I have:
  1. What is an effective way to teach the same thing 6 different ways, especially if students don't have time to come for help outside of school hours?
  2. Although I did use ALEKS last semester, there is a part of me that is still resistant to use completely online classes. I believe that online classes are good for some, but not the majority. They can be so unmotivating.
One thing I would like to learn more about:
  1. I want to learn from Gardner about how to cater to different types of learners in my classroom.

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