Sunday, February 14, 2010


Three things I learned or connected with:
  1. The principal is obliged to protect the teacher from outside interference and the teachers have the right to be protected by him/her. I strongly agree that in order to be an effective teacher and an effective school, the principals must support the teachers.
  2. I agree that ethnographies should answer the questions mentioned in paragraph 38 and they should back up their analysis with data. Too often, newspapers provide stories that have skewed statistics and it is important for readers to understand the truth.
  3. In order to explain something well, we need to almost pretend as if we have never witnessed it before. This makes so much sense because if you've never seen something similar before, you'll explain in very thoroughly, but if it is very familiar, you won't.
Two things I disagree with or questions I have:
  1. I don't agree with the statement: if you don't keep the kids quiet, the principal will give you a bad evaluation and you won't get tenure. How can teachers think this?
  2. Paragraph 31 talks about intelligent students as well as athletes. Where do other students fit in? What about students who are academically and athletically gifted?
One thing I want to learn more about:
  1. What questions can we ask students to get answers to the inquiry posed in paragraph 63?

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