Friday, March 12, 2010

Classroom Discipline Plan

1. Be respectful
  • Logical: "The Golden Rule"-you won't be well respected if you don't respect others
  • Natural: Class environment won't be as comfortable
2. Be responsible
  • Natural: Lower grades, less personal growth
3. Participate
  • Natural: Lower grades, lower engagement, class will not seem as interesting, less learning
4. Be positive
  • Natural: Class has lower energy, harder for the teacher to teach, harder for the students to learn
5. Be your best
  • Natural: Lower grades, less overall learning


  1. Sharon, I like your 'Be Positive' rule. Negativity within the classroom dampers the atmosphere. I guess that I just assumed my students would be positive because I didn't think to include this expectation. However, if I were to add a sixth rule, it would definitely be this one. :)

  2. I also like your be positive rule. This is something I have personally adopted. I have found that I am overall a much happier person because of this. I think this would help the environment of our classrooms which I included as a major piece of my classroom management plan.

  3. I also like the "be positive" rule. We often take it for granted, but I have found out that if it's a rule, you are generally happier in class. I would definitely include this one in my rules!
