Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reading Response #5: Getting to the Heart of Quality Teaching

I chose this article because I wanted to see what the author said about quality teaching. With NCLB, a high quality teacher was simply one with all the credentials and paper work. What does quality mean, though?

I thought this article addressed the issue of quality really well. One of the main things I picked up from the article was that schools, unions, and districts need to be able to help teachers be quality teachers. We need to be supported so that we can give quality instruction. Of course, teachers also need to try and produce quality work by constantly trying new things and continuing professional development. We also need to make sure to remember that we are teaching students first and foremost, not just teaching our subjects.

For me, this means that I need to always try to improve my teaching. I cannot become stagnant or complacent. There are always things that I can do better and I should remember that. I need to really reflect after my lessons and analyze what went well and what didn't, what I should continue to do and what activities I need to change.


  1. It sounds like this article and the article that I read had something in common. It seems that both addressed how beneficial it can be to continue to try new things. Right now that is all that we are doing because everything is new. Once we start teaching I think that we become afraid of rocking the boat or standing out as different from those who are already in the profession, but we shouldn't. We should want to be seen as people who are willing to try new things and to continue to learn from them because that is how we will become the best teachers possible.

  2. It sounds like this article backs up the article that I read by stating that it is beneficial to constantly switching things up. It is important to try new things, especially now, so that we can find things that work.
